Railshine Rental is working on the worksite near the SNCF maintenance depot of Hellemmes, Lille, France, for the company SADE, in order to make roads and utilities infrastructure. We can see the road-rail excavator working on a confined space.
Category: News
A worksite in the Alps for Railshine Rental
The road-rail excavator of Railshine Rental is now on the Guintoli – NGE Group worksite at Pont de Beauvoisin, France, to work during summer time and make levelling works, clearing and installation of gutters.
For further information about rental offer, go to www.railshine-rental.com/contact

Railshine Rental on the worksite of the new TGV maintenance depot at Bordeaux, France
One road-rail excavator of RAILSHINE RENTAL worked on the new maintenance depot for TGV at Bordeaux, France.
Railshine Rental conquered the market of High Speed lines in France
With a permanent presence on the worksites of Contournement Nîmes-Montpellier, the High Speed Line Sud Est Atlantique and the High Speed Line Bretagne Pays de la Loire, RAILSHINE RENTAL is active on all French High Speed Line constructions. This shows the real confidence of all general contractors in the RAILSHINE RENTAL offer quality, its professionalism, and its railway market knowledge, but also in the UNAC 22TRR road-rail excavator which, with its flexibility and wide range of capacities, allows to make all types of railway works.
Today on the High Speed Line Bretagne Pays de la Loire (New High Speed Line, West of France) to finalize the railway line, RAILSHINE RENTAL has proven that its offer can answer to the customer need about construction of High Speed Lines.
Railshine Rental road-rail excavator working on LGV COSEA
The Railshine Rental road-rail excavator worked on construction site of railway high-speed line LGV COSEA Tours / Bordeaux, and put on 10m-heigh catenary posts.
After this work, the Railshine Rental will realize works alongside the tracks.
Do you have a need for your construction site? Please contact Railshine Rental to get a rent offer.

The Railshine Rental road-rail excavator works on LGV BPL
Again, a Railshine Rental road-rail excavator works on a high speed line. A Railshine Rental excavator is currently working on the CNM, the road-rail excavators UNAC 22TRR show all these advantages on works on high speed lines.
For their first working hours, the Railshine Rental road-rail excavator skided panels in contemplation of points.
To know more about Railshine Rental offer, and to successfully complete your projects of construction and/or renovation of rail tracks: http://railshine-rental.com/en/contact.

Works foreman’s interview about RAILSHINE Rental / VINCI Construction collaboration
From June to October 2014 – The 22TRR road-rail excavator Railshine Rental worked on Vinci’s site, to renovate a fret railway between l’Estaque and Marseille.
The excavator made different works, mixing specific railway works and classic works, showing flexibility and performance of the UNAC 22TRR road-rail excavator.
Discover the interview of works foreman who says more about the collaboration between VINCI Construction et Terrassement and Railshine Rental.
To successfully complete your projects of construction and/or renovation of rail tracks: http://railshine-rental.com/en/contact.

Railshine will be present to SIFER fair, Lille, France, from 24th to 26th March, 2015
March 2015 – STAND N°2/560 – Railshine Rental, via Railshine, announces its presence to SIFER fair at Lille, from the 24th to the 26th of March, 2015. This exhibition will allow to know more about road-rail excavator hire offer of Railshine Rental. It is a specific offer for railway, answering to construction / renovation railway issues with a smart solution and a real expertise.
Railshine doubles its fleet of road-rail excavators to hire
January 2015- Railshine Rental announces the doubling of its fleet of UNAC 22TRR road-rail excavator to hire. The expertise and the support during the entire project by Railshine Rental have been recognized by all the customers who used Railshine Rental services.
Contact us to know more about hire offer and to successfully complete your projects of construction and/or renovation of rail tracks: http://railshine-rental.com/en/contact.

22TRR Road Rail excavator by RAILSHINE hire solutions in working environment
September, 2014 – RAILSHINE Rental 22TRR Road Rail excavator took actively part of the Nîmes-Montpellier Hight-speed link construction. A 60-hour project where we can see all the skills of the UNAC 22TRR Road Rail excavator, day and night.
To know more about Railshine hire and solutions, please visit www.Railshine-Rental.com.